Black-Schole Equation

Deriving the Black-Schole Equation and finding its solutions. Application with R and Python
Risk Neutrality

Francois de Ryckel


July 18, 2023


July 23, 2023

Deriving the Black-Schole Equation

Solving the Black-Schole Equation


European Vanilla

\[\frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2 S \frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial S^2} + r S \frac{\partial V}{\partial S} - rV = 0\]

  • V is the option price at the time \(t\). So \(V = V(S, t)\)
  • S is the asset spot price
  • t is the time to expiry (in years)
  • \(\sigma\) is the asset diffusion term (its stochastic element)
  • \(r\) is the annualized continuously compounded risk-free rate (imaginary friend)

In the case of a European Call Option with no-dividend, the BSE has solution:

\[C = S N(d_1) - K e^{-r(T-t)} N(d_2)\]

And in the case of a European Put Option with no-dividend, the BSE has solution: \[P = K e^{-r(T-t)}N(-d_2) - SN(-d_1)\]

where, \[d_1 = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \left[ ln \left( \frac{S}{K} \right) + \left( r + \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \right) (T-t) \right]\]

\[d_2 = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \left[ ln \left( \frac{S}{K} \right) + \left( r - \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \right) (T-t) \right] = d1 - \sigma \sqrt{T-t}\]

\[N(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{x} e^{\frac{-1}{2} x^2} dx\]

  • K is the strike price

European Vanilla with Dividends

And in the case of a dividend (ok … assuming continuous dividend yield):

\[C = S e^{-D(T-t)} N(d_1) - K e^{-r(T-t)} N(d_2)\]

\[P = K e^{-r(T-t)}N(-d_2) - Se^{-D(T-t)}N(-d_1)\]

\[d_1 = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \left[ ln \left( \frac{S}{K} \right) + \left( r - D + \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \right) (T-t) \right]\]

\[d_2 = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \left[ ln \left( \frac{S}{K} \right) + \left( r - D - \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \right) (T-t) \right] = d1 - \sigma \sqrt{T-t}\]

The Greeks

Greek Description Formula Call Option Put Option
Delta Sensitivity of option value to changes in asset price \(\frac{\partial V}{\partial S}\) \(N(d_1)\) \(-N(-d_!)\)
Gamma Sensitivity of Delta to changes in asset price \(\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial S^2}\) \(\frac{N(d_1)}{S \sigma \sqrt{t}}\)
Vega Sensitivity of option value to changes in volatility \(\frac{\partial V}{\partial \sigma}\) \(S N(d_1) \sqrt{t}\)
Theta Sensitivity of option value to changes in time \(\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\)
Rho Sensitivity of option value to change in risk-free rate \(\frac{\partial V}{\partial r}\) \(Kte^{-rt} N(d_2)\) \(-Kte^{-rt} N(-d_2)\)

Create a function for numerical computation

Using Python

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

class option_pricing: 
  To price European Style options without dividends
  def __init__(self, spot, strike, rate, dte, sigma): 
    # assign our variables = spot
    self.strike = strike
    self.rate = rate
    self.dte = dte    # days to expiration (in years)
    self.sigma = sigma
    # to avoid zero division, let not allow strike of 0
    if self.strike == 0: 
      raise ZeroDivisionError('The Strike Price cannot be 0')
      self._d1_ = (np.log( / self.strike) + (self.rate + (self.sigma**2 / 2)) * dte) / (self.sigma * self.dte**0.5)
      self._d2_ = self._d1_ - (self.sigma * self.dte**0.5) 
    for i in ['callPrice', 'putPrice', 'callDelta', 'putDelta', 'gamma']: 
      self.__dict__[i] = None
    [self.callPrice, self.putPrice] = self._price() 
    [self.callDelta, self.putDelta] = self._delta()
    self.gamma = self._gamma()
  def _price(self): 
      if self.sigma == 0 or self.dte == 0: 
        call = maximum(0.0, - self.strike)
        put = maximum(0.0, self.strike - 
        call = ( * norm.cdf(self._d1_)) - (self.strike * np.e**(- self.rate * self.dte) * norm.cdf(self._d2_))
        put = (self.strike * np.e**(- self.rate * self.dte) * norm.cdf(-self._d2_)) - ( * norm.cdf(-self._d1_))
      return [call, put] 
  def _delta(self): 
    if self.sigma == 0 or self.dte == 0: 
      call = 1.0 if > self.strike else 0.0
      put = -1.0 if < self.strike else 0.0
      call = norm.cdf(self._d1_)
      put = -norm.cdf(-self._d1_)
    return [call, put]
  def _gamma(self): 
    return norm.cdf(self._d1_) / ( * self.sigma * self.dte**0.5)
from tabulate import tabulate

option = option_pricing(100, 100, 0, 1, 0.2)

header = ['Call Price', 'Put Price', 'Call Delta', 'Gamma']
table = [[option.callPrice, option.putPrice, option.callDelta, option.gamma]]
print(tabulate(table, header))
  Call Price    Put Price    Call Delta      Gamma
------------  -----------  ------------  ---------
     7.96557      7.96557      0.539828  0.0269914

Retrieving option data using Yahoo finance

import yfinance as yf 

amd = yf.Ticker('AMD')
amd_hist = amd.history(start = '2022-01-01')
options = amd.option_chain('2023-12-15')

from datetime import datetime
dte = (datetime(2023, 12, 15) - 

log_returns = np.log(amd_hist['Close'] / amd_hist['Close'].shift(1)).dropna()
historical_vol = log_returns.std() * np.sqrt(dte)

spot = 116; strike = 120; rate = 0.05

amd_opt = option_pricing(spot=spot, strike=strike, rate=rate, dte=dte/365, sigma=historical_vol)

print(f'The BS model for AMD 147 days ahead is {amd_opt.callPrice:0.4f}')
The BS model for AMD 147 days ahead is 2.7995
df = options.calls[(options.calls['strike'] >= 90) & (options.calls['strike'] < 150)]
df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'strike': df['strike'], 'price': df['lastPrice'], 'impl_vol': df['impliedVolatility']})
df1['delta'] = df1['gamma'] = 0.

for i in range(len(df1)): 
  df['delta'].iloc[i] = option_pricing(spot=spot, strike=df['strike'].iloc[i], rate, dte=dte, sigma = df1['impl_vol'].iloc[i]).callDelta
for i in range(len(df1)):
    df1['Delta'].iloc[i] = option_pricing(spot,df1['strike'].iloc[i],rate,dte,df1['impl_vol'].iloc[i]).callDelta
    df1['Gamma'].iloc[i] = option_pricing(spot,df1['strike'].iloc[i],rate,dte,df1['impl_vol'].iloc[i]).gamma